Green Logos Guide
How green is your paper?
At Spectrum, we take great pride in using materials that are sustainable and recyclable. Partnering with an FSC-certified business like us is also a better way to promote your brand as one that cares about the environment. These “green” logos can be used on your packaging with different types of environmental paper.

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)
FSC Certification ensures the paper meets the Forest Stewardship Council’s standards for well-managed forests and the responsible use of forest resources.
There are 3 types of labels:
• 100% – From well-managed forests
• Mix – From responsible sources
• Recycled – Made from recycled material

Recycling Symbol
Use the recycling symbol to identify:
• Products that are recyclable
• Products made from 100% post-consumer waste (PCW) recycled fiber
• Products made with a percentage of post-consumer waste (PCW) recycled fiber
Used alone, the symbol communicates that a paper product or package is both recyclable and made entirely from recycled material. As few products or packages can make both claims, use of the symbol alone is limited.

Green-e is the nation’s leading independent certification and verification program for renewable energy and greenhouse gas emission reductions in the retail market. When using a Green-e Certified sheet you may make the claim: “Made with 100% Certified Renewable Energy.”

Green Seal™
Green Seal is a symbol of recognition to customers that papers are made with a minimum of 30% post consumer fiber and meet federal procurement guidelines.

Processed Chlorine Free
Our 100% post consumer recycled papers are manufactured from sustainable raw materials and are processed using chlorine-free practices.